Let’s get together

Re-posted from archive of infinite ideas machine 2004:

Privacy International – in association with Liberty, Statewatch, Stand and the Foundation for Information Policy Research – are holding an afternoon meeting at the London School of Economics on 19th May called MISTAKEN IDENTITY, all about the Government’s proposed National Identity Card.

They promise ‘key figures in the fields of law, politics, security, technology and human rights’ will be there, with details of the programme available at the the conference site.

UPDATED 6/5/04: The draft programme (with invited speakers) has now been published – subject to change, but its looking very interesting:

13.30 Welcome. Simon Davies, London School of Economics

13.40 The Rt. Hon David Blunkett, Home Secretary (invited)

14.00 Mark Oaten MP, Lib-Dem Home Affairs spokesman
David Winnick MP, Labour
Simon Thomas MP, Plaid Cymru
Lord Phillips of Sudbury

14.35 Q&A with audience

14.45 Dr Iqbal Sacranie, Secretary General, Muslim Council of Britain

15.00 Roger Smith, Director, JUSTICE

15.15 Q&A with audience

15.25 Sir John Stevens, Commissioner, Metropolitan Police (invited)

15.40 Paul Whitehouse, former Chief Constable, Sussex Police

15.50 Q&A with audience

16.00 Peter Williamson, President of the Law Society

16.15 Professor Ross Anderson, Cambridge University

16.30 Jonathan Bamford, Assistant Information Commissioner

16.45 Q&A with audience

16.55 Next steps

17.00 Close

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