Category Archives: identity

‘Vaccination Passports’: State of Play

Having shared some thoughts in private discussion, it was suggested that posting a summary might be useful. So here it is (lightly edited): […reflecting on the discussion thus far] it seems we agree that ‘vaccination passports’ are unwarranted, in practice … Continue reading

Posted in COVID19, database state, discrimination, Human Rights, identity, medical confidentiality, medical records, privacy | 1 Comment

Identity and Immunity

Technology can be better than the failing app solutionism; the question is whether we will be, or whether following the worst of the tech world will leave us in the database state. Larry Brilliant is the American epidemiologist who, working … Continue reading

Posted in database state, identity, medical records, transparency, uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

What does Government think it knows about you?

EU citizens, and others, are rightly concerned about the sources of data that Her Majesty’s Government will use to do data-matching as it decides who has residency, and who does not. In general, data quality across Government is terrible. Indeed, … Continue reading

Posted in database state, GDS, ID cards, identity, NO2ID, privacy, transparency | 3 Comments

Age Verification as the new cookie law?

Age Verification is just months away from becoming the law and, for all the criticisms to date, opposition to it has been ineffective. When the ‘cookie law’ was introduced in 2011, it was expected by regulators and others that a … Continue reading

Posted in age verification, ID cards, identity | 1 Comment

Text of speech given at Rowntree’s Governance Seminar on The Database State, 22 October 2008

I am posting this here, on 20/03/17, as I cannot find a copy elsewhere on the web. This is the text of a speech I gave while I was national coordinator of NO2ID at a CAOS (‘Combining All Our Strengths’) … Continue reading

Posted in choice and consent, database state, ID cards, identity, NO2ID, privacy, transparency | Leave a comment