Category Archives: medical confidentiality

The Four Horsemen of our rights Apocalypse

Sam and I have been having a conversation, and this article (posted originally on was one of the results: The worst excesses of’s mandate to collect and exploit your medical records are coming back, and the scheme’s descendants … Continue reading

Posted in choice and consent, communications data, database state, GDS, ID cards, identity, medical confidentiality, medical records, National Pupil Database, neo-feudalism, NO2ID, privacy, transparency | Leave a comment

Response to Geoff Mulgan’s “Will open data be a damp squib?”

Geoff’s piece, Will open data be a damp squib? prompted me to comment. At length. And wander around a bit. So for what it’s worth… An alternate view: the ‘value’ of open data is a function of its impact in … Continue reading

Posted in choice and consent, database state, medical confidentiality, open data | Leave a comment